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Showing posts from October, 2022

Thanksgiving, we all have something we can be thankful for

 Thanksgiving, we all have something we can be thankful for Thanksgiving is a simple reflection on what we have and what we can be thankful for, whether in a spiritual or material context. With the experiences lived during the last months of the pandemic, it seems that we appreciate more the simple things, the family that we have close to us, our friends, whom we could not see for a long time. A good celebration of life !

History of Thanksgiving in the United States

 History of Thanksgiving in the United States It seems that there is a certain consensus that the first time this day was celebrated was in 1621 in Plymouth (the current state of Massachusetts). On December 11, 1620, 56 English settlers arrived at Plymouth, having lost 46 of the 102 who were to have arrived. In order for them to survive in the New World, the Wampanoag Indians taught them farming techniques and also how to survive that first winter. In the summer of 1621 there was a very abundant harvest and the group of settlers organized a celebration in the form of a harvest festival that lasted three days, and to which they invited the Native Americans . At this party, the settlers wanted to show their appreciation to the natives of the Wampanoag tribe for all their help to get through those first months. From that year on, the party remained a tradition, later becoming a religious celebration , since in those family gatherings people began to give thanks to God for everything they

Who celebrates Thanksgiving?

 Who celebrates Thanksgiving? This national holiday is celebrated mainly in the United States , and also in Canada. In some Caribbean islands, Liberia, Central America and Israel, American immigrant communities also gather for this celebration. It also occurs in countries like China, India, Germany, Korea or Malaysia.

How is Thanksgiving celebrated?

 How is Thanksgiving celebrated? Although it sounds to all of us that the turkey is the main protagonist of this day, there are other events that take place on this day: Parade organized by Macy's Macy's – the largest shopping mall in the US – organizes a grand parade down Broadway Avenue in Manhattan, which lasts from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Floats, music bands, cheerleaders, giant helium balloons in the form of animated characters and millions of people come together to celebrate Thanksgiving Day through the streets of New York. Televisions broadcast the parade so that the whole country can witness the great national party live. Shopping day It is the day to buy everything you need to prepare the big dinner. And it is that the establishments open only in the morning, so the Americans must make sure that they do not lack for anything. Pardon the president's turkey A ceremony takes place – followed by many North Americans – in which the President of the United States spares one

What does Thanksgiving mean?

 What does Thanksgiving mean? It is a celebration that consists of a gathering with family and closest friends, whose objective is to give thanks for everything we have. The meaning of why Thanksgiving is celebrated is none other than " gratitude ."

When is Thanksgiving celebrated?

 When is Thanksgiving celebrated? It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the US, and on the second Monday of October in Canada.

What is Thanksgiving?

  What is Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is probably the best-known tradition in the US, although this holiday is celebrated in other parts of the world as well. Many of the people who travel to North America in November for different reasons (work, tourism or to study for a year in the USA) wonder what is celebrated on Thanksgiving Day. For this reason, to clarify all your doubts, we have wanted to answer many of these questions in this article.