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Thanksgiving, we all have something we can be thankful for

 Thanksgiving, we all have something we can be thankful for Thanksgiving is a simple reflection on what we have and what we can be thankful for, whether in a spiritual or material context. With the experiences lived during the last months of the pandemic, it seems that we appreciate more the simple things, the family that we have close to us, our friends, whom we could not see for a long time. A good celebration of life !

Fun facts Thanksgiving

Fun facts Thanksgiving

It did not become a national holiday until President Abraham Lincoln declared it one on October 3, 1863.

Turkey was not eaten on the day that this festival supposedly originated.

Canada has its own Thanksgiving Day, which is celebrated in October and the date that gave rise to this day was before that of the US: 1578.

George Bush (sr.) established the custom of pardoning the turkey, although other presidents had already performed this ceremony before.

In order for the giant helium balloons to stay longer in place in perfect condition, sandbags and nets are used.

The origin of the Macy's parade dates back to 1924, when the employees themselves paraded down Broadway avenue.

Thanksgiving Day is considered the prelude to Christmas. That is why it is not surprising if in many houses the evening is enlivened with Christmas music.

Around this event, the so-called Black Friday was born, a day of great discounts to start warming up for Christmas shopping.

Places like China, India, Germany, Korea or Malaysia also celebrate their own Thanksgiving.

According to official statistics, around 45 million turkeys are consumed in the United States.


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