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Thanksgiving, we all have something we can be thankful for

 Thanksgiving, we all have something we can be thankful for Thanksgiving is a simple reflection on what we have and what we can be thankful for, whether in a spiritual or material context. With the experiences lived during the last months of the pandemic, it seems that we appreciate more the simple things, the family that we have close to us, our friends, whom we could not see for a long time. A good celebration of life !

What series and movies represent Thanksgiving?

 What series and movies represent Thanksgiving?

Each and every one of the made in America series has its Thanksgiving chapter.

From Friends, to The Simspons through Modern Family, Gilmore Girls, New Girl or The West Wing of the White House, they all have their own.

But if there is an audiovisual piece that contains the magic of this day, that is, without a doubt, Hannah and her sisters, a Woody Allen classic that crosses three different Thanksgiving celebrations in time.


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