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Showing posts from November, 2022

Thanksgiving, we all have something we can be thankful for

 Thanksgiving, we all have something we can be thankful for Thanksgiving is a simple reflection on what we have and what we can be thankful for, whether in a spiritual or material context. With the experiences lived during the last months of the pandemic, it seems that we appreciate more the simple things, the family that we have close to us, our friends, whom we could not see for a long time. A good celebration of life !

Thanksgiving, we all have something we can be thankful for

 Thanksgiving, we all have something we can be thankful for Thanksgiving is a simple reflection on what we have and what we can be thankful for, whether in a spiritual or material context. With the experiences lived during the last months of the pandemic, it seems that we appreciate more the simple things, the family that we have close to us, our friends, whom we could not see for a long time. A good celebration of life !

The day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday.

 The day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday. And we come to the second important date of this month, which in recent years has spread to our country, " Black Friday ". There are different theories about the origin of the name, one of the most accepted, and good for your knowledge of English idioms, has to do with the colors. When stores sold so much merchandise after Thanksgiving in the 1980s, their annual revenue went from being “in the red” (loss) to being “in the black” (profit). In the 1990s, stores began to open a few seconds after midnight. Black Friday has spread all over the world and stores are now offering discounts and deep sales for Black Friday in many countries.

The famous Thanksgiving parades in New York

 The famous Thanksgiving parades in New York Thanksgiving Day is also famous for its parades. It all started in 1924, when Macy's (one of the main department stores in the United States) started a parade for Thanksgiving in New York . A few decades later it attracts between two and three million viewers. Its 2.2-mile course is incredibly colorful, with lots of music, giant balloons, Broadway theater performances, and even a Santa Claus. The parade ends at Macy's, where the store's Christmas window opens.

The “turkey pardon”

 The “turkey pardon” Pardoning the turkey simply means preventing it from ending up on the White House table. The turkey pardon dates back to the 1970s, but it was George W. Bush who established it as a tradition. Thereafter, every US president in the White House also pardons a turkey. The tradition has taken root and sometimes pardoned turkeys are even given names and become very popular for a few days.

It's about sharing and giving

 It's about sharing and giving Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, so there is no set date for it. The celebration does not have a religious meaning, but rather has more to do with union, gratitude and meeting with family and friends. The famous turkey is the center of the Thanksgiving table, surrounded by other dishes , such as stuffing, mashed potatoes and other specialties. Volunteering is a very common practice during the Thanksgiving season, when communities come together and help the less fortunate.

Thanksgiving as a national holiday thanks to a woman

 Thanksgiving as a national holiday thanks to a woman New York was one of the first states to adopt the official annual Thanksgiving holidays, but it was a woman, Sarah Josepha Hale , who bet on making Thanksgiving a national holiday. It took her 36 years of editorial work, sending letters to governors and presidents. But she finally achieved her goal and the day was approved as a national holiday by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. For this reason, Sarah Josepha Hale receives the name of "The mother of Thanksgiving".

A little history about Thanksgiving

 A little history about Thanksgiving Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day , has its origins in a harvest festival, during which people gave thanks for the previous summer's harvest. The first Thanksgiving took place in 1621, when Plymouth settlers and Wampanoag Native Americans shared a fall harvest feast. Native Americans taught pilgrims from Europe how to grow corn, fish in rivers, and avoid poisonous plants. The first Thanksgiving dinner was a celebration hosted by William Bradford, the leader of the pilgrims, and the Wampanoag Massasoit. The celebration is said to have lasted for three days!

Statistically, what is America's favorite Thanksgiving side dish?

 Question: Statistically, what is America's favorite Thanksgiving side dish? Answer: Filler

What meat is the most popular alternative to turkey at Thanksgiving?

 Question: What meat is the most popular alternative to turkey at Thanksgiving? Answer: Ham

Which state consumes the most turkey each Thanksgiving?

 Question: Which state consumes the most turkey each Thanksgiving ? Answer: California

How much does the average Thanksgiving turkey weigh?

 Question: How much does the average Thanksgiving turkey weigh? Answer: About 15 pounds

What actual folk song title is The New England Boy's Song About Thanksgiving Day?

 Question: What actual folk song title is The New England Boy's Song About Thanksgiving Day ? Answer: Over the river and through the forest

Black Friday isn't the only holiday the day after Thanksgiving. Which is the other?

 Question: Black Friday isn't the only holiday the day after Thanksgiving . Which is the other? Answer: Native American Heritage Day

How many people participate in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade each year?

 Question: How many people participate in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade each year? Answer: About 8,000

On average, how many people attend the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade each year?

Question: On average, how many people attend the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade each year? Answer: Approximately 3.5 million

In what year did the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade have its first balloons?

 Question: In what year did the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade have its first balloons ? Answer: 1928

What year did Adam Sandler release The Thanksgiving Song?

 Question: What year did Adam Sandler release The Thanksgiving Song ? Answer: 1992

What 18-minute monologue is performed on many rock and classic rock stations every Thanksgiving

 Question: What 18-minute monologue is performed on many rock and classic rock stations every Thanksgiving ? Answer: Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant

In which city does the Thanksgiving parade end with Santa Claus getting a key to the city?

 Question: In which city does the Thanksgiving parade end with Santa Claus getting a key to the city? Answer: Detroit

Which city has the oldest Thanksgiving Day parade?

 Question: Which city has the oldest Thanksgiving Day parade ? Answer: Philadelphia

During which Revolutionary War battle did the troops have Thanksgiving?

 Question: During which Revolutionary War battle did the troops have Thanksgiving ? Answer: The Battle of Saratoga

When was green bean casserole introduced to Thanksgiving dinners?

 Question: When was green bean casserole introduced to Thanksgiving dinners ? Answer: 1955

Sarah Josepha Hale, who campaigned to make Thanksgiving a national holiday, wrote what famous song?

 Question: Sarah Josepha Hale, who campaigned to make Thanksgiving a national holiday , wrote what famous song? Answer: Mary had a little lamb

What turkeys do Americans really eat?

 Question: What turkeys do Americans really eat? Answer: Male turkeys

Do Americans prefer apple or pumpkin pie?

 Question: Do Americans prefer apple or pumpkin pie ? Answer: apple pie

What happens on Cole's Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts every Thanksgiving?

 Question: What happens on Cole's Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts every Thanksgiving ? Answer: A National Day of Mourning for Native Americans who died at the hands of European settlers or the plague

When is Thanksgiving in Canada?

 Question: When is Thanksgiving in Canada ? Answer: The second Monday of October

How many Americans prefer Thanksgiving leftovers to Thanksgiving dinner?

 Question: How many Americans prefer Thanksgiving leftovers to Thanksgiving dinner ? Answer: About 80 percent

Where was the first Turkey Trot?

 Question: Where was the first Turkey Trot? nswer: Buffalo, New York

When was the first Turkey Trot?

 Question: When was the first Turkey Trot ? Answer: 1896
 Question: What percentage of Americans skip the turkey on Thanksgiving ? Answer: About 12 percent

What meats were served at the first Thanksgiving celebration?

 Question: What meats were served at the first Thanksgiving celebration? Answer: There was probably swan, venison, duck, and goose meat, not turkey !

How many turkeys are prepared for Thanksgiving in the United States each year?

 Question: How many turkeys are prepared for Thanksgiving in the United States each year? Answer: About 46 million

In what month did the first Thanksgiving celebration probably take place?

 Question: In what month did the first Thanksgiving celebration probably take place? Answer: September

Which Native American friend of the settlers acted as interpreter?

 Question: Which Native American friend of the settlers acted as interpreter? Answer: Squanto

Which Native American tribe celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims?

 Question: Which Native American tribe celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims? Answer: Wampanoag

Which president received a live raccoon as a Thanksgiving gift?

 Question: Which president received a live raccoon as a Thanksgiving gift ? Answer: Calvin Coolidge

Which president officially made Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday of every November?

 Question: Which president officially made Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday of every November? Answer: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Which president intended to make Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November to help boost the economy during the holiday season?

 Question: Which president intended to make Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November to help boost the economy during the holiday season? Answer: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Which president declared two Thanksgivings in one year?

Question: Which president declared two Thanksgivings in one year? Answer: James Madison 

Which president refused to celebrate Thanksgiving as a national holiday?

 Question: Which president refused to celebrate Thanksgiving as a national holiday ? Answer: Thomas Jefferson

Which president first ordered a national Thanksgiving day?

 Question: Which president first ordered a national Thanksgiving day ? Answer: George Washington

Which president made Thanksgiving a permanent national holiday?

 Question: Which president made Thanksgiving a permanent national holiday? Answer: Abraham Lincoln

How many women attended the first Thanksgiving celebration?

 Question: How many women attended the first Thanksgiving celebration? Answer: Five

Who was the first president to receive a ceremonial Thanksgiving turkey?

 Question: Who was the first president to receive a ceremonial Thanksgiving turkey ? Answer: Harry S. Truman

When was the first NFL Thanksgiving game?

 Question: When was the first NFL Thanksgiving game? Answer: 1920

When was the first Thanksgiving football game?

 Question: When was the first Thanksgiving football game ? Answer: 1876

How much did the world's most expensive Thanksgiving dinner on record cost?

 Question: How much did the world's most expensive Thanksgiving dinner on record cost? Answer: $150,000 at New York City's Old Homestead Steakhouse

How many calories are consumed on average, per person, at Thanksgiving dinner?

 Question: How many calories are consumed on average, per person, at Thanksgiving dinner ? Answer: 4,500

Who was the first president to pardon a turkey?

 Question: Who was the first president to pardon a turkey ? Answer: John F. Kennedy

What seafood was served at the first Thanksgiving party?

 Question: What seafood was served at the first Thanksgiving party? Answer: Lobster, oysters, fish , and possibly eel

What meats were served at the first Thanksgiving celebration?

 Question: What meats were served at the first Thanksgiving celebration? Answer: There was probably venison, swan, duck, and goose meat, not turkey !

How long was the first Thanksgiving celebration?

 Question: How long was the first Thanksgiving celebration? Answer: Three days

What series and movies represent Thanksgiving?

 What series and movies represent Thanksgiving? Each and every one of the made in America series has its Thanksgiving chapter. From Friends, to The Simspons through Modern Family, Gilmore Girls, New Girl or The West Wing of the White House, they all have their own. But if there is an audiovisual piece that contains the magic of this day, that is, without a doubt, Hannah and her sisters, a Woody Allen classic that crosses three different Thanksgiving celebrations in time.

What is the typical Thanksgiving menu?

 What is the typical Thanksgiving menu? On Thanksgiving, the main protagonists are seasonal products. The must-haves for any self-respecting Thanksgiving dinner are roast turkey with or without stuffing, cranberry sauce (made with the red variety), gravy made from turkey juices, and sweets, of course. Many candies. If you do not dare to prepare your own dinner at home, bet on the restaurants that prepare special Thanksgiving menus .

What is the origin of the celebration?

 What is the origin of the celebration? As its name indicates, Thanksgiving was a date established to give thanks. It was set by Abraham Lincoln , who chose this day to give thanks for the first abundant harvest that the English colonists had who settled in North America. Since that day, his descendants and compatriots celebrate, on the fourth Thursday of every November, what has happened to them during the previous 365 days and give thanks for it.

When is Thanksgiving celebrated?

 When is Thanksgiving celebrated? Thanksgiving has been celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November each year since 1863.

What did you do last Thanksgiving?

 What did you do last Thanksgiving? Last Thanksgiving , I first went to the Fairhaven and Dartmouth football game. Second, I went to my grandparents' house and watched the parade. Third, I prepared the food and the house. Fourth, I ate a big dinner with my family. Fifth, I had the pumpkin pie. So, I watched football games with my family. Finally, I took a nap.

What did you eat last Thanksgiving?

 What did you eat last Thanksgiving? I ate the turkey , the stuffing, the mashed potatoes .

How was your last Thanksgiving?

 How was your last Thanksgiving? My last Thanksgiving was excellent (fantastic, fun, relaxing , etc.)

Where are you going on Thanksgiving?

 Where are you going on Thanksgiving ? I go to my grandparents' house and sometimes I stay home .

Do you eat desserts on Thanksgiving?

 Do you eat desserts on Thanksgiving? Yes, I eat pumpkin pie and ice cream .

What do you eat on Thanksgiving?

 What do you eat on Thanksgiving ? Thanksgiving, I eat turkey , stuffing, gravy.

Do you have Thanksgiving traditions in your family?

 Do you have Thanksgiving traditions in your family? My family and I say thank you before eating. We toast the day .

How does your family celebrate Thanksgiving?

 How does your family celebrate Thanksgiving? My family and I celebrate together, eat a big dinner , and say thank you .

What do you do on Thanksgiving?

 What do you do on Thanksgiving? First, I watch the parade . Second, I go to my grandparents' house. Third, I set the table. Fourth, my family and I eat a big dinner. Fifth, like pumpkin pie . Sixth, I watch football games and spend time with my family. Finally, I take a nap.

Fun facts Thanksgiving

Fun facts Thanksgiving It did not become a national holiday until President Abraham Lincoln declared it one on October 3, 1863. Turkey was not eaten on the day that this festival supposedly originated. Canada has its own Thanksgiving Day , which is celebrated in October and the date that gave rise to this day was before that of the US: 1578. George Bush (sr.) established the custom of pardoning the turkey , although other presidents had already performed this ceremony before. In order for the giant helium balloons to stay longer in place in perfect condition, sandbags and nets are used. The origin of the Macy's parade dates back to 1924, when the employees themselves paraded down Broadway avenue. Thanksgiving Day is considered the prelude to Christmas. That is why it is not surprising if in many houses the evening is enlivened with Christmas music. Around this event, the so-called Black Friday was born, a day of great discounts to start warming up for Christmas shopping. Places lik

Other theories about Thanksgiving Day

 Other theories about Thanksgiving Day The truth is that there is some discussion about whether the story was really like that. And it is that, taking into account the history of conflicts between settlers from Europe and the indigenous people, it seems unlikely that this story is true. In this sense, Robyn Gioia and Michael Gannon (writers and professors at the University of Florida ) point out that it was the Spanish colonists who carried out the first celebration on September 8, 1565, in what is now Saint Augustine, Florida. . For this reason it is said that the place where Thanksgiving Day was celebrated for the first time in the US is still not entirely clear.